Want The Best Bike Bid?
Superbike Loans gives you insight into how to get the best bike bid for your motorbike.
When you are looking to get the best bike bid, there are several options to consider ensuring you get the maximum price for your motorbike when you come to sell it.
There are plenty of obvious options for selling your motorbike privately, such as Facebook Market Place, eBay, Gumtree, and Autotrader. But there is a lot to take into consideration, such as:
- Advertising cost (some can be very expensive).
- Risk of never receiving payment.
- The time involved with cleaning and preparing your bike.
- Having to deal with tyre kickers and time wasters.
- Constant negotiations which can be uncomfortable.
After all of this, you aren’t guaranteed to sell your motorbike. However, if you do have the time, are willing to make the effort, and are confident in negotiating, you could end up with the best bike bid.
But there is another way!You might find the above all a bit too much. But there are further options for getting the best bike bid and selling your motorbike. Consider using purchasing sites, such as WeBuyAnyBike.com, WeWantYourMotorbike.com or MotorbikeTrader.co.uk.
These types of websites will take a few details from you, and then offer you a valuation to buy your bike. They certainly take away the hassle! Even though they may not provide the best bike bid, they take away the time and effort involved with selling your motorbike privately.
With a Trustpilot rating of 4.6, we decided to test out WeWantYourMotorbike.com. The process is so easy! Just enter your registration plate, add a few details, and you’ll receive an instant valuation. You can even book an appointment for them to come and collect your motorbike, then they transfer the money direct to your account at the point of collection.
So Now What?Now you’ve sold your motorbike, what do you do now? If you are looking to hold onto to the cash but still want to purchase your next motorbike, Superbike Loans is here to help!
With our easy to use finance calculator we search across a variety of lenders to find you the best finance options for you, no matter what your credit history.
With just a few details, and in a just a few minutes, you could have your motorbike finance arranged, ready to purchase your next motorbike! All the while, having the cash from your sale, still sat in your account and who wouldn’t love that? The only problem you have now, is deciding which motorbike will be yours next!