Lee Rigby Charity Bike Show
The Lee Rigby Charity Bike Show will be held over two days. The dates fixed are August 18 and 19. Other than the motorcycle show, live bands will play music. Read on to learn more about this event.
The Lee Rigby Charity Bike Show will be held over two days. The dates fixed are August 18 and 19. Other than the motorcycle show, live bands will play music.
The venue is Rochdale Sports Club at Bridgefold Road in Rochdale, Lancashire.
Lee Rigby FoundationThe Lee Rigby Foundation is registered as a Charity in both England and Wales. The charity was founded by Ian Rigby and Lyn Rigby after they lost their son, Fusilier Lee Rigby.
The organisation was formed not only to help Lyn, but also other families who faced an identical situation. Lyn soon found out after her son's demise that many other families need similar support. She, since then, has become the principal driving force of this project.
The armed forces say that, "No such thing like an un-injured soldier exists."
"People who have served in the armed forces become a close team. They support each other and integrate so that the serving population becomes a kind of family. Any combat could lead to the losing of a few team members. However, the forces will not allow a person to grieve over that loss."
Military personnel join the civilian life after their service comes to an end. Many personnel continue to have un-resolved bereavements. There could also be a number of other issues like PTSD.
Both Ian and Lyn Rigby keep in contact with a number of veterans' families whose once serving members suffer from such issues. Promises, when made, are kept for helping them.
Mission Statement of the FoundationThe work done by Lee Rigby Foundation is gathering momentum. This entity gained charitable status on April 27, 2016. A core team has been formed to push the objectives. Public response was enthusiastic.
Lyn says that her son Lee Rigby always wanted her to do this, if he found the wide ranging needs among the veterans and their families. She continues with her cause, helped by her capable team.
Lee Rigby Foundation makes sure that every penny is put to good use. The money which they get as a charity will help in providing all the necessary support.
Work DoneLee Rigby Foundation works to offer a place where complete safety and peace are available. The place will enable its inhabitants to escape the pressures present in the outside world. It will help veterans to de-stress and start recovering from trauma or bereavement, or even both.
The Lee Rigby Foundation has raised the awareness concerning the problem linked to the forces' families. Post loss of a soldier, any available support is restricted by pressures on the available resources. The result is that a number of families are left unsupported in the time of their greatest need. Not only Lee Rigby's parents, his siblings had to bear their intense pain alone.
Lyn is now in touch with a number of families who have felt to be similarly isolated during such hard times. Even families who find support discover that the pain has not reduced. The foundation helps the families to get away from the constant questions which come after the loss.