National BikeSafe Show
The National BikeSafe Show is scheduled to be held on July 16th and is essentially a motorcycle project run by the police; the principal aim is to reduce bike-related accidents on the roads. Read on for more information on this event.
The National BikeSafe Show is scheduled to be held on July 16th and is essentially a motorcycle project run by the police; the principal aim is to reduce bike-related accidents on the roads. Police believe riding should be a fun activity so with improving skills, hazard awareness, and knowledge, riding can be much more enjoyable.
Workshops held by the BikeSafe team explore the main riding hazards bikers face. The workshops will deliver observed rides and theory presentations. A workshop will help any rider discover their strengths and weaknesses, and you will also learn how to get the most fun out of your bike. Riders must continue to practice all year round, so they can perfect the craft of safe riding.
Why BikeSafe
The data collected from the UK Department of Transport says it all: about 6,149 motorcyclists died due to accidents in 2008. The introduction of safety measures led to a marginal fall in deaths: 5,328 in 2012.
An audit commission published a report which showed that the NHS was damaged by £340 million due to road casualties. The British economy bled £8,000,000 due to bad riding; these figures are high by any standards.
It is apparent that communities bear the financial burden of accidents and consequent injuries. It is time for the riders to take responsibility when it comes to safety. Training must be done repeatedly until the casualty figures drop so low that they become negligible.
One of the multiple aims of BikeSafe is to improve the attitude of the rider and riding behaviour so that the incidence of accidents is reduced.
National BikeSafe
It must be said, that the BikeSafe event is not concerned about making profits. The police services and its partners invest a lot more than what they get in return. When local subsidies are added, it is seen that the program actually becomes free to the riders.
The BikeSafe team partners with other emergency services that helps in the delivery of workshops and if feasible, augments them with specialist input like Northwest Ambulance First Bike. The latter provides a first aid course on motorbikes for when people arrive first at the accident scene. The road safety professionals, hailing from the local councils, help the administration and delivery of BikeSafe courses so that every council has a wealth of expertise and knowledge to tap into.
The National BikeSafe Show is excellent and binds together the best of the national level BikeSafe show and track experience; with Northampton Fire and Rescue Service and Northamptonshire Police. The aim is to raise the awareness of improving motorcycle skills, at the same time of delivering track experience.
In 2017, the National BikeSafe Show is merging with 'Open Roads', which highlights the other road users and their respective vulnerabilities.
Highlights of the show include CSS track experience, Motogymkhana, emergency service demonstrations, police observed rides, and various taster sessions; it will be a fun day for families, drivers and non-drivers.