The 2017 'You've Been Nabbed' Biker Rally For Disabled Bikers
The You’ve Been Nabbed rally is the most important bikers rally of the National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD). Read on to find out more about this event.
The You’ve Been Nabbed rally is the most important bikers rally of the National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD). It is also a showcase and a fundraising event for bikers and non-bikers.
Established in 1991, the NABD provides help and support for disabled motorcyclists. It is one of biggest biker rallies in the UK and has consistently seen participation from a wide group of followers. The rally is not only about bikers and their bikes on display but also about the fun and enjoyment. Apart from enjoying the English spring weather, participants love the marquees and the wonderful indoor entertainment set up.
To become a participant in the NABD rally, one does not necessarily have to be disabled or even ride a bike for that matter. It is open for all and everyone is invited.
New VenueThe 26th NABD rally will be held at a new venue - The Royal Cheshire County Show ground- at Flittogate Lane. The main entrance to the Cheshire showground is from Pickmere Lane which is just adjacent to the junction with Flittogate Lane. Previous venues have had trouble with the weather especially when it starts to rain but the new venue is protected from two sides. Security also won’t be an issue as the new ground is easier to secure.
Lots of entertainmentOne of the main reasons why the NABD rally is so famous is because of the entertainment. There are live performances on stage, a disco and a bar. The marquees are furnished with tables and chairs and ensure that the members present are comfortable. The show-ground also has toilets and provisions are made for hot showers as well. The marquees are divided according to the show's content and appropriate audience. The ‘Adult’s Only Marquee’ is huge and hosts live performances from eight bands. There is also a full-blown comedy road show that promises to leave the crowd in hysterics. And to top it all, there is a performance by ‘exotic dancers’. If these are still not enough then the audience can head over to the well-stocked bar where they can find a range of their favourite beers, wines and spirits. The ‘Family Marquee’ hosts six live bands and also has an excellent disco along with a smaller bar that offers a range of drinks at low prices. The ‘Real Ale Marquee’ consists of performances from a wide variety of musical acts from solo singers to duets to legends. The bar offers a huge range of real ales and ciders that are hard to find even in good pubs and bars.
It is easy to see why the NABD rally has become such a huge hit amongst the bike riders in the UK. It is not what one would expect from traditional charity organizations. The NABD rally believes in helping people through the love of bikes and bike riding. And it also helps people socialize with one another through fun and entertainment.